The Village of New Haven, Michigan is a wonderful place to live and raise a family. The best high school in America is here. This website is dedicated to that institution. Covering nearly a hundred years, we have put our best efforts to preserving its history. Every year has its own story to tell and every image is a moment in time that will never come again. It is our great honor to bring you these treasures. Welcome to our family.

Class Year

At the top of the page are the different sections of this website. All words or numbers written in Green are links to that particular subject. The Class Year section is every yearbook presented in its entirety. From 1926 through 1945, only a few yearbooks were published. In the case of the years with missing yearbooks, we have assembled newspaper articles about the schools activities from the local newspaper, The New Haven Star.

Roll Call

Roll Call includes every Senior picture, as well as the corresponding Junior, Sophomore, and Freshman pictures when available. If a Senior picture was unavailable, a Junior picture was used.  At the bottom of every senior page is a NEXT link that leads to the next persons page.


Athletics teaches us the importance of team work and responsibility. By working together for a common goal the students of New Haven have grown into better citizens. All the teams tried their best and a few achieved true greatness. At the bottom right of every team page is a NEXT link that leads to the next chronological team.

Hall of Fame

The New Haven High School Hall of Fame celebrates individuals who have made an impact on the school and community through their accomplishments that have stood out and made both the school and the Village a better place.


Activities bond the students together through cooperation and hard work.  They also teach self esteem, problem solving and brings out leadership abilities. At the bottom right of every activities page is a NEXT link that leads to next chronological page.


Starting in 2003, we started making mini documentaries featuring interviews with New Haven Alumni and coaches about some of the sports teams and the specific class years, mainly describing what their teammates and classmates were like. Sadly some of these people have since passed away, but the memories of their friends will live on here...

Photo Album

These are photos donated from the Alumni that show every day life from their high school days giving you a glimpse of the time period. Please help us add to this section. All photos are original and are not present in any yearbook.


The search engine allows you to access this website and bring up the information you desire. Type in a name, a year, any subject to find what you are looking for.


We would very much like to hear from you. There are several photos that have no names because they were not available in the yearbooks. The Photo Album section is totally dependent on the public's help. Please let us know of any misspellings or wrong listings. We do accept donations to help fund the websites continued usage. We would very much like to know your feedback.


We wish to acknowledge all the people that helped us create this website: Lois Alexy, Rusty Alexy, Barbara Alldredge, Richard Andrews, Marion Baade, John Baltierra, Jack Belt, Larry Belt, Scott Belt, Richard Bentley, Louis Berta, Duane Bettcher, Charlotte Blonde, Barbara Brill, Beatrice Broughton, Cynthia Chaffee, Phyllis Chapman, Judith Chavez, Jill Clark, Ace Clotfelter, Mel Coen, Mary Cooper, Harold Dean, Valerie Declerq, Yvonne Deman, Robert Dodge, Cliff Duncan, Melvin Duncan, Shelley Duncan, Robert Enright Jr, Kerstin Eriksson, Robert Fistler, Phillip Folson, Jim Foss, Pearl Foss, Donald Fowler, Norman Froh, Aleta Gantt, Stan Gleason, David Goetz, Lorraine Granzow, Jerome Hamilton, J.D. Harmon, Marie Heinrich, Tom Henegar, Norman Hewer, Albert Hofman, Loretta Johnson, Bruce Jones, Lawyer Jones, Muggy Jones, Marguerite Jones, Rosalia Kesteloot, William Kjerrumgaard, Jammie Kincaid, T.C. Kincaid, Nicholas Klymyshyn, Ruthann Kogelman, William Knot, Sharon Kozub, Carl Laich, Dwight Lee, Karen Lee, Leslye Lee, Margaret Lee, Walter Lee, Harold LeRoy, Leroy Liebzeit, Julia Lipka,  Zigmund Lipka, Jim Loughead, Deborah Mack, Gary Mack, John Mack Sr, James Marocco, Carol Matthews, Wanda McDaniel, Beverly Moore, Merlene Nieman, Phil Osten, George Owens, Louise Patow, Mary Ann Periat, Betty Ann Peters, Ernest Podolan, Marion Pohly, Thomas Prater, Laurie Reichenbach, Joseph Rumenapp, Lynn Ryan Jr., Sharon Schindler, Charlotte Schutt, Marion Schwark,  Allan Siefert, Gloria Sierecki, Frank Simon, Ken Sims Sr, Robert Smith, Greg Sparks, John Stier, Dale Teschler, Frances Thompson, Kenneth Thompson, William Thompson, Donald Tomayko, Ron Vennard, William Volkening, LaDarryl Weatherly, Kerry Wegner, Diana Wheatley, Greta Wilson, James Woods Jr., Ed Wuestenberg, Ward Young, Mark Zebelian.